Family Radio CHRI

Day 4 in Ecuador with Compassion

ecuador_day4_09On our last day in Ecuador we experienced the Handicraft market in Otavalo. Saturdays are usually the biggest days for the locals to sell their goods but there was still an entire city block of vendors.


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Day 3 in Ecuador with Compassion

ecuador_day3_08Today we got to meet the traditional indigenous people of the Andes. We also spent time with 2 Leadership Development Program students from Compassion International: Jonathan from Quito, and Edwin from here in Otavalo. Both have different stories and families but they have the same desire to change their country and make a difference in the world.


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Day 2 in Ecuador with Compassion

ecuador_day2_18Today we visited a special program within Compassion International called Child Survival Program. This program focuses on the education of women with infants (in the womb until age 3). In Ecuador, abortions are not common; unfit mothers are more likely to give birth to their child and then it dies in infancy. Everyday, 6 children die in their 1st month of life.

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Day 1 in Ecuador with Compassion

ecuador_day1 _17We arrived in Quito, Ecuador (the Capital city, at 9,200 feet above sea level!) last night after a 12-hour travel day and we've been blessed to stay at the Swisshotel (Christian-owned).

This morning we started our tour with a visit to the Compassion child development center 119 (a project in a more urban, poor community).


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Tweeting the Bible

UK worship leader, Chris Juby, is setting out to tweet the entire Bible. His plan is to summarize a chapter a day & fit it into the 140 characters allowed by Twitter.
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Support Greg Sczebel

greg_sczebel_loveCanadian talent Greg Sczebel has entered into a friendly competition called "PEAK Performance Project" through a radio station in British Columbia (100.5 The PEAK) for a chance to win $100.500.00 towards his career.  His first challenge is to create a viral video that promotes him as an artist. He decided to use smart PR and do a take on the popular new TV show "Glee" (and yes, I admit I'm a fan of "Glee", but are you surprised? I'm a theatre person!).

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This One's for the Guys

I realized my past few posts have been kind of girl oriented and I figured I should send one out to the guys.  I read a blog post by Mars Hill Pastor, Mark Driscoll, over the weekend and think it's a great intro for men into his teachings. Although sometimes controversial with his bold & direct comments, I appreciate Mark's honesty to speak what he sees happening in the church.

12 Interesting Women Leaders Under 40

In continuation to my last post (A Slice of Inspiration) I discovered a list of 12 amazing female voices in the Christian circle.  I hope this encourages women to persue God's dreams for them & for men to support the women in your life; encouraging them to be bold in persuing their dreams and talents.  Click more for the list. 

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A Slice of Inspiration

I found an amazing new speaker and had to share it with you! As a woman of God and woman who loves to be used by God, I find Bianca Juarez incredibly inspirational!

She exemplifies power, strength, determination and most importantly love.  I pray God raises up more incredible women to proclaim His truth.
Here's her website:

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$600 Billion Challenge

This month’s Fortune Magazine boasts the title the $600 Billion Challenge.  Warren Buffett and Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, set the goal: They are driving to get the super-rich, starting with the Forbes list of the 400 wealthiest Americans, to pledge -- literally pledge -- at least 50% of their net worth to charity during their lifetimes or at death.

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