Family Radio CHRI

Expectation vs Reality After a Not-So-Good Weekend

On Saturday I was in Montreal with a group of friends at La Ronde Amusement Park. It was a great day! We grabbed Starbucks on the way out of Ottawa, chatted about what was happening in our lives on the way down, found the park with no problem with the help of "Holly" our GPS, parked the car and headed into the park for a day of screaming and laughter. Add a comment

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Trip & Tyler & Catalyst

As a younger-ish generation Christian I am excited to connect & hear about Christians tapping into what makes my generation and younger tick. I recently came across an incredible organization called Catalyst. I'm sure a bunch of you have heard of this group but for those of you who have not prepare to be excited.    Add a comment

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Miners & the Jesus T-shirts

Over the weekend I came across an incredible story about the Chilean miners. As they ascended from the mine, many of them wore tan t-shirts with a Jesus Film logo on the sleeve. The story: Add a comment

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Operation Christmas Child Partners with Narnia

Georgie Henley, who plays Lucy Pevensie in the Narnia films, filmed a special invitation to Narnia fans, encouraging them to help children for whom "it's always winter and never Christmas." With Narnia fans on board, the shoebox ministry of Samaritan's Purse hopes to deliver more than 8 million gifts to more than 100 countries this year.
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100 Million Prayers This Weekend

On Oct. 10th, 2010 millions of Christians around the world will pray for the world's poor, and make a collective promise to act on global poverty. The day was started by Micah Challenge a special campaign to focus on the promise to the poor, ten years after nations around the world committed to halve global poverty by 2015.

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New "Lead Me" Video from Sanctus Real

If you've been following us on Twitter or tuning into Care's Home Stretch show you probably have heard us mention Sanctus Real's lead singer, Matt Hammitt's son Bowen's, heart condition. Bowen was born on September 9th of this year with a serious and rare congenital heart defect called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS).

What do you get when you combine social media, celebrities & a lot of cash? You get twitchange, the first every celebrity auction on Twitter and it's all for good cause. Now, that is thinking with our Generation Y noggins.

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This Is For You

A beautiful devotional from the lovely ladies over at (In)Courage.  One of my favourite sites to get emails from :)

Ecuador Compassion Video #1

Dan worked hard in the last couple of days to narrow down the HOURS of random footage from our trip into a quick snapshot of our first project visit (and home visit) in Quito, Ecuador. (from Day 1)

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'Fake' Christians

An interesting article passed on to me by my good friend Lisa: More teens becoming 'fake' Christians. Discusses the disconnect teenagers feel with their faith. Many call themselves Christians but know very little about the truths of their faith.

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