Family Radio CHRI

Andrea Bocelli tells a "Fairy Tale"

Andrea Bocelli (aka the "blind tenor") shares his beautilful testimony on his Mother chosing life.  Thankfully, for the whole world, she did; what beauty he has brought into this world! Add a comment

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What is Devotion?

I came across this devotional idea the other day. It seems like a great way to dig in and spend some time with God and His word. I hope it is helpful & be sure to pass along to anyone who could need a devotional refresher!

What Gets You Moving?

Keeping our bodies healthy and in shape.  *Groan*  Why is it so hard to get out of bed or off the couch and start moving?

Interview with Rick Warren


I received an email this morning, from my sister, with an interview with Rick Warren. It's incredibly inspirational and gave me a lot to think about in regards to disappointment and money. Add a comment

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Straight from the Horse's Mouth

Calling all horse lovers ... Care and I just got back from checking out the new horse exhibit "Le Cheval" at the Museum of Civilization.  Add a comment

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Human Trafficking: World Cup Prayer Guide

Human Trafficking is an crime that is close to many people's hearts.  I had the opportunity to work in Thailand and Bangladesh and learn about the major trafficking issues in these 2 countries.  Add a comment

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Blog for Teen Girls

Here's a great blog for teen girls ...  Enjoy the long weeked :) Add a comment

Commitment in your 20's?

This article really speaks about ideas that I've been thinking a lot about in regards to our culture. How is the epidemic of self-reflection, self-improvement and self-love affecting our relationship with others? Add a comment

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Making Idols of Our Passions

I came across these points on (if anyone is a surfer or a want-to-be surfer, like I am, this is a great site).  They used the idea of surfing as an idol but you can replace “surfing” with any other activity, job or person.  Add a comment

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Serving Opportunity! + interesting article on the importance of children volunteering

Summer is well on its way and with that means SUMMER SPLASH 2010; CHRI's annual free Listener Appreciation Day at Logos Land Water Park & Resort in Cobden.  This year it's happening June 19, rain or shine. Add a comment

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