Family Radio CHRI

Swimming Work-out Plan

swimWhen I think of working out, I think of getting up at 6:00 in the morning to squeeze in some gym time before work. It took me years (literally) to bring myself to get a gym membership because I had a dreaded regular routine workouts... With the heat wave, all I want to do is jump in a pool so why not get a workout at the same time.

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8 Goals for Africa Video

I hope you had an awesome Canada Day!  The fireworks were incredible!! World Cup fever is still well underway. I am amazed at what time people are getting up to watch a game – that is dedication.
It's also very excited for the World Cup to be held in Africa for the first time. This has really given an opportunity to many organizations to shed even more light on the Africa's struggles and share with the world how they can help. Add a comment

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A Call To Pray

My last blog post dealt with the idea of prayer and how it impacts the spiritual realm which then changes what happens here on earth. A horrific event in Afghanistan has been brought to my attention and our brothers and sisters need you to pray. Add a comment

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Prayer Warriors

 Last night I had the opportunity to attend Ottawa’s National House of Prayer G8/G20 prayer evening.  It was incredible.  I highly recommend stopping by NHOP to have a look at what God has provided to them, you will be amazed! 
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The Story Behind Sanctus Real's Lead Me

Have you heard this incredible song where a husband is crying out to God asking Him to show him how to love his wife and children? The lead singer of Sanctus Real, Matt Hammitt, explains: "I think the challenge for me in the song, and hopefully for other men as well, is every time I hear it, every time I sing it, I ask myself, 'what kind of man am I?' Not yesterday, not tomorrow, what kind of man am I today? Have I invested in my family emotionally, spiritually the way that God has called me to reach out to them and to lead them." Here is a video of Matt and his wife sharing the meaning of the song.

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iPad & Poverty

Apple is selling 1 iPad every 3 seconds.  This is the same rate as children dying from poverty around the world.  What's wrong with this picture?

Bringing Up Teenagers

In preparation for this week's giveaway, "Bringing Up Girls", I came across an interesting article in Maclean's on teenage girls. It hasn't been that long since I've been out of high school but times have definitely changed.   It's interesting to compare the secular media perspective to the issues Dr. Dobson brings up in his book. In each case the stats are scary. Add a comment

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My First Blog

dana_keyOne of my colleagues here at CHRI (blogger extraordinaire Ashley Elliott) has gently "suggested" that I write my (first ever) blog, on the recent passing of Dana Key. You see she's too young to remember Degarmo & Key (aargh) but I, like so many others from my generation (X), grew up on their music.

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Glimpses of Good in Congo

In a heart wrenching article in today's Toronto Star, they discuss what do women do when they have been shunned by their society?

Miracle Baby - incredible story

Last night was the Newsboys concert & it was amazing! Those guys are full of energy and Michael Tait, the boy's new lead singer, stepped it up.

Opening for the show was Audio Adrenaline's new project "Know Hope Collective".  Like many others, I was really not sure what to expect from the guys but they blew me away.

Mark and Will were raw and vulnerable with the audience, sharing the struggles they personally and as a band have gone through over the past few years.

One story Mark shared was incredibly powerful ...

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