Family Radio CHRI

In case you haven't see it yet...

Downhere's lead singer, Marc Martel, does an incredible imitation of Queen’s Somebody to Love!  The video was posted only a week ago & has soared to almost 3 millions (at the time I posted this).

Marc posted the video as an audition for Queen Extravagnza, which will see selected singers & musicians set out on a North American tour in 2012 to mark the legendary band’s 40th anniversary.  Public voting for the next Freddie Mercury starts November 14th.

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9/11: Ten Years Later

Sep11Reflections on the most significant event of this generation.  I heard a story recently about a young man who was walking around the streets of New York not long after the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center had collapsed. An old woman stopped him and said, “I feel sorry for you.” When he asked why, the old woman said, “Because it is your generation that will have to deal with this.”

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Ignite Justice


There are over 27 million people in slavery in our world and that is a very, very low estimate.  These slaves do not just live in Africa, Asia or Eastern Europe these slaves live in the U.S., in Canada, in our cities.  You are a lot closer than you realize to the human trafficking epidemic.  Every 30 seconds a young girl, a teenage boy, a baby are sold for forced sex, forced labour, for enslavement.

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10 Habits of Highly Organized People

organize10 pratical steps that will make organizing a little bit easier. 


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16 Ways to Find Personal Rest

restIn the summer months I find I'm dashing from a bbq to a wedding to a concert that I spend any extra time I have planning my schedule or buying supplies not relaxing. I hear the same thing from so many people; that you are extremely busy and feel the pressure of you responsibilities. One person mentioned that they feel like they have lost track of time.

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Beginning to Pray Together

prayingThese eight suggestions from Focus on the Family will help you transform your marriage with prayer.

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This is Your Life...

Courtesy of Holstee.

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Global Day of Prayer: Sunday, June 12th, 2011

global-day-of-prayerFacing a world in crisis, the Global Day of Prayer is an opportunity to encourage your congregation to pray for people around the globe. The GDOP movement has gathered Christians all over the world in order to seek God for His Kingdom and Christ's transforming life throughout the earth.

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Photos from Don Moen/Matt Maher Concert

moenmaher_smCheck out a few pics from Saturday night's worship event... Not just a concert!


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Drifting Away

Drift"If you examined a hundred people who had lost their faith in Christianity, I wonder how many of them would turn out to have been reasoned out of it by honest argument? Do not most people simply drift away?"  C.S. Lewis said that in England during the 1940s. Add a comment

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