Family Radio CHRI


Global Day of Prayer: Sunday, June 12th, 2011

global-day-of-prayerFacing a world in crisis, the Global Day of Prayer is an opportunity to encourage your congregation to pray for people around the globe. The GDOP movement has gathered Christians all over the world in order to seek God for His Kingdom and Christ's transforming life throughout the earth.


In this new season GDOP will no longer aim at the goal of having organized events in every single country of the world. Instead, the goal will be to increase the number of gatherings on Pentecost Sunday (June 12th) in smaller settings, such as local churches, family homes and businesses in lieu of stadiums and assembly halls.  Click here for a list of local Ottawa prayer events taking place on Sunday, June 12th. To register a church for Global Day of Prayer click here.


The organizers of GDOP request that every group meeting on Sunday, June 12th to pray for the word pray the prayer called, "A Prayer For The World" (PFTW), during the event / gathering, no matter how small. This is your opportunity to unify in prayer with Christians from across the globe.  Click here to download the prayer.  

The Global Day of Prayer has three key elements.

Ten days of constant prayer:

On Ascension Day, millions of Christians will find ways to pray night and day throughout the ten days leading to Pentecost, following the pattern of Christ's followers before the first Pentecost.

The Global Day of Prayer:
On Pentecost Sunday, Christians in almost every country will assemble to pray. Many will gather in small groups such as prayer groups, homes, local churches, businesses and some may even assemble in large stadiums and other public venues. In some places, television, radio and internet will help to connect and align our prayers even more. Once again the challenge would be to mobilise an all-year-round move of prayer.

Ninety days of blessing:
As in the first Pentecost, transformed Christians transform their communities as they offer themselves to God as instruments through which their prayers can be answered. The Global Day of Prayer anticipates the forming or furthering of local alliances among pastors, churches, missions and business leaders, to bring practical, transformational blessing to their communities. This is where prayer becomes a lifestyle.


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