Family Radio CHRI

Honour Your Pastor

pastorappreciation17We are blessed to have so many incredible pastors in the Ottawa-area who believe in church unity and who desire to see families and individuals across our city live out the Kingdom of God. But let's not ignore the fact that they are still human: they still get tired, feel discouraged, and need to be held up by their community. How are you making an effort to honour your pastor this October for Pastor Appreciation Month?

Read more for some shocking statistics about pastors...

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A Family Friend David Mainse 1936-2017

nrb14 dmainse 330y

It is with great sadness we learned of the death of Crossroads & YES TV founder Rev. David Mainse today, after a five-year battle with MDS leukemia.
CHRI Radio general manager Bill Stevens has known Mr. Mainse for many years and recounts their long-time friendship...

"It was the late 70's the first time I met David Mainse. He was the chief “Holy Roller” as we called them, working in a small rented space on Merivale Road in Ottawa next to Atkinson Film Arts the animation studio Vic Atkinson and I had started a couple of years earlier. We were a raucous bunch, long hair, beards and blue jeans. They were the polar opposite, clean cut, wearing business suits...

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Sharathon Carpool Karaoke

Your CHRI family having fun as we ramp up for #SHARATHON17

Click here to learn more and donate online.

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Praying For A Local Family's Loss

ruiter familyPrayer Request: Since 1962, two generations of the Ruiter family have farmed Black Rapids Dairy Farm. Throughout that time they have been a staple in the community. Add a comment

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Addressing the ‘Mental Load’ of Moms & Dads

blog mental loadThe mental load of a parent is not often talked about and it is a common issue. One of the reasons it is likely not talked about is because of the selflessness that parents and guardians are portraying on a daily basis. This can often cause them to forget about their own wellbeing and can later affect things like marriage, happiness, and other relationships.

Here are four tips for you and/or your spouse if the mental load is becoming too much of a stress...

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Young Boy with Epilepsy in Need of Service Dog

Hayden 2017Prayer Request: Hayden is a sweet, resilient, and energetic 8 year old. In 2012, Hayden was diagnosed with a rare form of severe refractory Epilepsy with CSWS as well as frontal lobe epilepsy.

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VIDEO: CHRI Summer Splash at Camp IAWAH 2017

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Check Out Photos from Summer Splash

summersplash17 thmb

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5 Things Every Healthy Married Couple Remembers

care weddingA listener recently e-mailed me to ask about something I shared on my show last week: "5 Things Every Healthy Married Couple Remembers... at Every Stage".
My husband and I were both in a wedding two weekends ago, we will both be standing in another one in October, AND we’ve been invited to a third this summer (yes, it’s an expensive summer!!). Add a comment

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Advice For Young Men from a Navy SEAL

eric greitensEric Greitens is a champion boxer, a Rhodes Scholar, a best-selling author, and a Navy SEAL. He also happens to be the current Governor of the state of Missouri. A good friend of his has a son, Grayson, who recently celebrated his 13th birthday — and asked Eric Greitens to share some life advice.

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