Family Radio CHRI

3 Strategies to Experience God's Joy This Winter

experiencegodsjoy 330The cold weather and the lack of sun in the winter months can take a hit on the joy you exeprience in your everyday life. You may feel overburdened, have a heightened sense of anxiety, be experiencing a lack of motivation, and may even feel depressed. These are normal experiences, but that doesn't mean they have to persist, and thankfully we serve a God who wants us to experience a joy that surpasses all understanding (Philipians 4:7), even in the winter!

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Focus On The Family Is Here For You!

focusonthefamily2022 330If you are feeling overwhelmed by your personal relationships, experiencing mental health struggles, or just struggling with the challenges of every day life, we want you to know that you are not alone.

Focus on the Family Canada is here to support you in a number of ways.

Find out more, here.

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#1 Song of 2021 on CHRI

From gospel, to singer-songwriter, to rap, rock and beyond, the Christian artists that we play on CHRI continue to deliver music that brings hope, encouragement and truth with every lyric. 

Maverick City Music and Elevation Worship made waves in the CCM scene this year with their "Old Church Basement" collaboration, and the project's title track has taken the #1 spot on CHRI's Top 20 Countdown of 2021!

Check out the full list of songs that made the countdown, here.

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Rachel Adjeleian—Reflecting on the Light of Christ

Advent2021 Rachel 330

After four Sunday’s of Advent and preparing for the coming of our Lord and Saviour, it is time to rejoice in His birth and the way that it forever changed the course of humanity. Jesus came as a Light into this world, and nothing was the same!

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It's Time for Reflection...

2021reflection 330Reflection helps us gain insight and see how to move forward. As 2021 comes to a close, spend some time to reflecting on your relationship with God and your loved ones. Click here or read more for a list of personal reflection questions to think about going into the New Year.

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Dianne Van der Putten—What Does God’s Love Mean to Us?

Advent2021 Dianne 330Advent is such a wonderful season in advance to the celebration of Christ’s birth. It’s a time of preparing our hearts and minds as we focus on the true ‘reason for the season’ – Jesus Christ. Each week of Advent shines a light on Christ and has a very specific focus. This week is Love. I believe that since the beginning of time God has been displaying and speaking His love to all mankind. Every part of creation shouts of the invisible hand of God behind it. His love speaks to us in the beauty and majesty of all His creation. But what does His love mean to me? Can His love be personal? For me? For you? Have you ever thought about that?

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Christmas Letter 2021

ChristmasLetter2021 Graphic660

Please read the letter below from Bill Stevens on behalf of the team.

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Dan Adams—Will Your Joy Still Be There after the Festivities Are Over?

Advent2021 Dan 330As we continue to look forward to celebrating Christmas, the birth of Jesus, our anticipation and excitement grow. The Christmas songs we sing in church and the scriptures we read and reflect upon help us remember that miraculous first Christmas. We think about the time we will spend with family and friends, the gifts we will give and receive, the delicious traditional meals and treats we only have once a year. All these memories and activities bring comfort and joyfulness to our hearts as we wait these last few days before Christmas. But after the gifts are gone, the leftovers are eaten, and we've said goodbye to our loved ones. Will your joy still be there?

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Care Baldwin—Finding Peace this Advent Season

Advent2021 Care 330 2The angels proclaimed “Peace on Earth” when the Baby Jesus was born. But how do we find peace today despite the dark, scary world around us? We all need two kinds of peace in our lives: Inner peace and peace with others... And God can give us both.

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Bill Stevens—Hope: A Reflection of the First Sunday of Advent

Advent2021 Bill 330Is hope perhaps the least understood and over simplified reflection of the Advent Season?

When you ask Wikipedia, how does it describe hope? the answer is “...hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one's life or the world at large.” Hmmm...

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