Family Radio CHRI

Christ: Shining Light on the Darkest of Nights

Unto Us Light in the Darkness

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Find Out If You're a Christmas Carol Master

Untitled design 3

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Mental Health and the Pandemic

mentalhealth pandemicIt’s been said before but I’ll say it again, this year has been tough. Job loss, financial ruin, death of loved ones, political divide, isolation, all of these things are a lot for us to process. On top of it being a lot to process, these experiences often result in poor mental health. Since the beginning of the pandemic here in Canada, 50% of Canadians reported worsening mental health. Add a comment

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2020 Clergy Appreciation Month Nominations

2020 Clergy Nominations 330

Thank you for nominating the impactful pastors, priests, and ministry leaders in your life for 2020 Clergy Appreciation Month! Read more to see the list of nominees.

And THANK YOU to the clergy members that continue to inspire and teach us, and bring us faith and hope. Your outpouring of love on our city has been so important, especially this year. You are so valued and appreciated!

There is still time to nominate a clergy member in your life. Contest details here.

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Joy comes in the form of a pumpkin!

Mike's Garden Harvest generously reached out to CHRI looking to donate a pile of 56 pumpkins and we knew just how to use them! CityKidz Ottawa inspires kids living in need to dream big but many of their in-person programs have been put on hold due to physical-distancing. A safe, pumpkin, porch drop-off was a simple way to bring a smile to those children’s faces!
Here are some of the excited families Lydia and Wendy visited:

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Daily Encouragement on Your Health Journey

healthylife 660

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Fearless Not Foolish

CARE INdoubt 330CHRI's Home Stretch host Care Baldwin was invited to be a guest on the indoubt Podcast where she joined host Isaac Dagneau and co-host Daniel Markin to discuss how the church, and how us as Christians, work through the reality of a worldwide pandemic. They also ask “how do we as God’s people respond to the rights, freedoms and value of all people?”

Take a listen to their conversation here.

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Take the Quiz Now to Find Out

thanksgiving 660

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Community, Serving, and Patty-Pan Squash

pattypan 330This past spring, I expanded my role at CHRI to Community Relations. At the time, I thought of this as growing beyond just running the CHRI Fun Team and events, to working more closely with churches. Little did I know that Community Relations would be a 24/7 job that seeped into my personal life.

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