Family Radio CHRI

The Caves of Fire

cavesoffire 330 A fantasy adventure novel for ages 9 and up in the style of Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time. Read more for Care Baldwin's YOUTH Wednesday Bookmark interview with author Kathy Berklund- Pagé.

Purchase “The Caves of Fire" online at

(Originally aired October 24, 2018)



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Book Description: According to legend,
if the sky is blue and clear
but you see a line of white clouds along the horizon,

those aren't really clouds.
They are the
snow-capped mountains of
the Land of Thirsk.

According to legend,
if Javerra's skin were cut,
he would not bleed fire like a normal Rix.
He would bleed scorpions and snakes.

It was an easy legend to believe. But the legend isn't what kept Fee's face glued to the floor. It was Javerra's eyes--round, unblinking yellow eyes that gleamed from cavernous sockets. His gaze drew you in, sucked you dry, and tossed you back to the floor like a dirty rag.

Fee is a spy. Daniel is a nerd. Evie is bossy. Javerra despises Daniel but cannot destroy him unless he comes to Thirsk of his own free will. To what lengths will Javerra go to trick Daniel into coming? Can Fee, Daniel, and Evie become true friends and work together to defeat him?

About the Author:   Kathy Berklund- Pagé was born in the United States, which - as her Canadian husband loves to point out - is not her fault. She spent several years in France as a teen and young adult. While there, she learned French double-quick (no one her age spoke English) and met a handsome Canadian. Despite their best efforts, they fell in love, so they opened an atlas and said, “Where do we want to live?” The beautiful Quebec City won. Two decades and three children later, they moved to Montreal, where they still live. They both work for The Navigators of Canada.

Kathy loved reading, but never thought of writing until an English professor said, “I think you could be a good writer if you were willing to work at it.” She wasn’t, but many years later she changed her mind. She’s written drama, humour, reflections and newsletters. Her work has appeared in The Globe and Mail and Christianity Today. “The Caves of Fire” is her first novel.

The Caves of Fire is available:

Contact the author for a signed copy, e-mail cavesoffire @



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