Family Radio CHRI

These Are the Days of Summer

Go On A Devotional Walk this Summer

Day05 DevotionalWalkLooking to shake up your devotional times this summer. Why not try a devotional walk? We're surrounded by God's beauty––step into it and connect with God in a new way. We invite you and your family to explore the breathtaking landscapes of the Canadian Shield and the forests around you while deepening your connection with God through nature-inspired reflections. As you embark on this journey, remember that every step is an opportunity for spiritual growth and meaningful encounters with God's creation.

This article was provided by our friends at Camp IAWAH, the summer fun experts. Learn more at

Preparing for the Devotional Walk

Before setting off, take a moment to prepare for the devotional walk. Ensure everyone has comfortable walking shoes, water, snacks, bug spray/sunscreen, a journal or notebook, and any devotional materials you'd like to bring along. Choose a time that allows for unhurried exploration and reflection, perhaps during a quiet morning or the cool of the early evening.

Where to walk

You may have your favourite spots, but in case you don't, here are a few of the IAWAH staff's favourite places to take their kids for a devotional walk.

Kingston: We like Lemoine Point (you can also feed Chickadees) or a hike in Frontenac Park.

Ottawa: Jack Pine Trail is a favourite (you can also feed Chickadees). The NCC (National Capitol Commission) has trails all over the city.

Rideau Lakes: Foley Mountain Conservation Area

Trail Stop #1: Gratitude Groove

As you begin your walk, get into the groove of feeling gratitude for your surroundings. Take a moment to share something they're grateful for in nature. This practice of gratitude aligns with the teachings of Scripture, reminding us to give thanks in all circumstances (Psalm 100:4). Let gratitude be the foundation of your journey today.

Trail Stop #2: Reflection

Pause at a reflective spot, perhaps by a calm lake or a quiet clearing. Embrace the silence and allow for personal reflection. Consider reading aloud a guided meditation or scripture passage about finding peace in God's presence (Psalm 46:10). Let this break be a time of inner stillness and connection with God.

Trail Stop #3: Wisdom

Continue along the Trail, observing the resilience of nature and reflecting on the concept of wisdom. Discuss with your family the importance of making wise choices and seeking God's wisdom in all aspects of life. Share a scripture passage like Proverbs 3:5-6, emphasizing trust in the Lord's guidance.

Trail Stop #4: Faith Bridge

Cross the Faith Bridge together, a symbolic step towards strengthening your faith. Take turns sharing stories of challenges faced and how your faith in God sustained you through those times. Reflect on Hebrews 11:1, which reminds us of the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.

Trail Stop #5: Hope Hilltop

Reach the summit of Hope Hilltop, a vantage point offering a panoramic view of God's creation. Gather as a family and lift a prayer for hope, resilience, and a deeper connection with God. Let this vista be a reminder of the endless possibilities that unfold when we place our trust in Him.

Closing Thoughts

As you conclude this devotional walk, we encourage you to continue integrating nature walks and moments of spiritual reflection into your summer routine. Explore further devotional ideas and outdoor activities that nurture your family's faith journey. May this experience in the Canadian wilderness strengthen your bonds, deepen your faith, and inspire a lasting connection with God's creation.

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