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4 Ways to Grow Closer to God During Lent

lent2022The Lenten season is a special time of prayer and fasting, as we look upon the coming of Christ's death and resurrection at Easter. Christians across the world take the 40 days prior to Easter (representing the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, fasting, and being tempted while preparing for His ministry) strengthening their relationship with God. It is a time to reflect on the incredible mysteries of God unveiled when Jesus was sent into this world, died, and then rose again three days later. 


What can we do to grow closer to God during this time?


1. Fast

The first, and most commonly known way to grow closer to God during the season of Lent is to fast from something in our lives. Fasting could be from anything tangible - whether it's a specific food item, watching TV, a habit or comfort (such as shopping), or, in recent years, many choose to fast from social media and entertainment. Why fast? By making a small sacrific in our own lives, we are withdrawing from our reliance on earthly things, and surrending ourselves even more deeply to the strength and power that comes from God. Fasting helps us realize our need for a saviour, and can also help us to reflect even more on the true depth of Christ's sacrifice for us.

2. Give Sacrificially

Another way to grow in relationship with God over Lent is to devote some time to giving and performing works of charity. This includes acts of kindness, volunteering with a local community organization, and donating time, money and/or resources. When we embrace God's commandment to love our neighbours as ourselves (Mark 12:31), we grow more and more into the likeness of Christ, and that is pleasing to God! When we help others, we can be satisfied in knowing that we are acting as the hands and feet of Christ, and are an extension of His work in this world.

3. Add A Spiritual Discipline

In addition to cutting something out of our lives to make more room for Jesus, we can also bring a new spiritual discipline or exercise in to our lives, during Lent. Perhaps you can engage with a 40-day devotional to bring you through to Easter, or increase your prayer life by setting aside a longer time for daily prayer. Another idea is to join a new small group at your church, or schedule a Bible study time with friends. The more we pour into our spiritual life, the more we will see the work of God in our life, feel His presence, and ultimately be transformed by His love.

4. Nurture Your Relationships

Deepening our relationships with the people in our lives is an incredibly fulfilling way to honour God during Lent. Galations 2:20 says "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." Jesus gave Himself for us, so we could be in a right relationship with Him. His Spirit lives inside of us! By nurturing our relationships with others, we are expressing gratitude for the relationship God has given us with Jesus, and pouring out the love He showed us, to the people that we love. There are few things that glorify God more than Christ-centered relationships!

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