Family Radio CHRI


3 Strategies to Experience God's Joy This Winter

experiencegodsjoy 330The cold weather and the lack of sun in the winter months can take a hit on the joy you exeprience in your everyday life. You may feel overburdened, have a heightened sense of anxiety, be experiencing a lack of motivation, and may even feel depressed. These are normal experiences, but that doesn't mean they have to persist, and thankfully we serve a God who wants us to experience a joy that surpasses all understanding (Philipians 4:7), even in the winter!


The Bible says in Psalm 16:11, “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” There is joy in the presence of God, and we hope that these 3 strategies from DaySpring will help you to find joy this winter.

1) Find joy in His Word. Spending quiet time in His Word every day will remind you that He has it under control. Turn to your favorite Scripture and let the words wash over you—God knows where you’re headed and how you’re getting there, so leave it to Him. Look back at your favorite Bible stories and rediscover how He brought joy to the lives of the people in them. See how their faith and trust in the Lord brought them unmatched joy? That’s what God has in store for you, too.

2) Experience joy in every day. From an unexpected meeting with an old friend to the exciting first giggles from your little one, every day has joy to offer. He’s packaged it all up for you to discover as you move through life. You never know when He may have a surprise hiding around the next corner. Look for the joy in every interaction, every day—it’s bound to be there.

3) Create joy for others. When you create joy for others, you’re also creating joy for yourself. The simple gesture of buying coffee for the person in line behind you may brighten their day far more than you know. Can you see how God is creating the joy He intends for the people around you? This is so much bigger than you or the person beside you. He uses us all to build joy in each other’s lives. It’s a glorious snowball effect, and He has put it all into motion.

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