Family Radio CHRI

These Are the Days of Summer

Learn A New Language This Summer

Day22 LearnANewLanguage 330 2

Philippians 2:11 “...and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Now that summer has hit and many have an abundance of time on their hands, why not give a shot at learning a new language? The world is a place where many different peoples and cultures dwell, each of them bringing its own uniqueness. One of the biggest differences is the diversity of languages. Learning a new language can help you connect with others from a different culture and increases the number of people that you can communicate and share ideas with. If you have foreign roots, learning the language of your heritage can also be a great motivation to start. Read more for some language learning resources that would help you start.


Duolingo is a widely known language resource that teaches you the language of your choice through a game-like experience. It is very user friendly and can help you start the habit of practicing the language daily. Although many have commented that Duolingo isn’t the best resource for learning a new language, it can help beginners start off with something smaller.


Anki is a software that is basically digital flashcards. If you enjoy using flashcards, this can help you learn vocabulary for the language you are learning, whether is would be words, different letters, or even characters (if the language uses them). There are also many people who have already made Anki flashcard decks that you can download and use in your language learning journey.


The internet is such a luxury we have today that most of us have access to. One language learning resource that some might not consider would be YouTube. YouTube is commonly used as a platform that provides entertainment. However, many people post videos and even lessons on those languages. If you are looking for a beginner language lesson, common phrases, or anything else language related, give a quick search on YouTube and you might be surprised with the options it give you.

Whether you are learning a new language for fun or because you will be visiting a foreign country, it is a great pass time that can connect you more with the culture that the language belongs to. Being fluent in another language is a very useful tool in evangelizing as you are now able to communicate with those you could not before. The world is full of beautiful languages, try picking one t

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