Family Radio CHRI


Don’t give up what you want for what Satan can offer you in a moment.

MondayMotivation 330Every Monday at 5:00 P.M. ET, Care Baldwin shares a Monday Motivation quote along with a message to encourage you in your life and faith. This week she shares a quote from local Pastor, Ben Last, at Southgate Church.

"Don’t give up what you want more than anything for what Satan can offer you in a moment."

Read more for the audio replay + transcript of Care's message!



Hey it’s Care. A new week and a new Monday Motivation quote, this one from Pastor Ben Last at Southgate Church in the CHRI listening region: “Don’t give up what you want more than anything for what Satan can offer you in a moment.”
They're both fighting for you, they both want to win you over but God wants his best for his child. HE loves you and knows what you deserve and wants you to trust him for it.
Have you ever given up a long-term goal for a short-term pleasure? It takes trust and FAITH to believe that what you’re working for and waiting on is what will be most rewarding when you can’t even SEE it, but it’s sometimes easier to settle for the immediate gratification of what’s right in front of you. But while Satan is holding his hand open “see, you want this, that other thing isn’t real; it isn’t attainable. Here, settle for this instead”, God the Father is saying “Have faith, child. I love you and I know you best.”
So hold fast, stay the course: “Don’t give up what you want more than anything for what Satan can offer you in a moment.” Happy Monday.

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