Family Radio CHRI

Life's Inside Track

03-31-23 Connecting With the King

How would you rate your relationship with God? I know there are times when I feel so close to Him; I’ll hear His voice daily and feel His clear guidance. Other times, it can seem like I’m just going through the motions, feeling disjointed and empty. In this episode of Life’s Inside Track with the Dekker Team, we’ll discuss how to press into the Lord to feel His presence. Join Ken and Yetta as we learn practical ways to refresh our connection with God.

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"On our drive home, Thomas sang along to his first song on the radio. "Not so average." He was singing the "a a a a a a a." When I realized that he was singing along, I was so relieved that we were listening to a family-friendly radio station, and in that moment I thanked God for CHRI!"

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