Family Radio CHRI

Let's Talk Money

09-10-21 Banking on the Future

Dave and Reb welcome Rev. Ray Borg from Financial Discipleship Canada to their discussion today about "Banking on the Future". As Canadians navigate the global pandemic, we continue to borrow from tomorrow, to spend money we don't have today. Some people count on future inheritance, wage increases, or expected bonuses, and spend them before actually seeing the money in their bank accounts. This can cause trouble if the money doesn't actually come the way we thought. Listen to their thoughts and ideas, as they navigate the spiritual and practical connotations of banking on tomorrow. Today's show is sponsored by Financial Discipleship Canada and a place to find resources and conversation about serving and loving God with our finances. To learn more about financial discipleship go to To learn more about financial fitness seminars and financial accountability, call More Than Enough Financial at 613-520-4157.

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