Family Radio CHRI

Found: Discover the Power of Your True Identity

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What was lost in the garden is found in Jesus. Discover how to live loved and live free, because that is who you are!

REPLAY Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Lorie Hartshorn.

Purchase Foundhere.

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Book Description:

What was lost in the garden is found in Jesus. Discover how to live loved and live free, because that is who you are! Found will enable you to ...

- Discover your true identity and reclaim your life.
- Gain a clear perspective on how God sees you.
- Take hold of all that God wants to give you.
- Experience power and purpose in your everyday life.
- Believe that everything available to Jesus is available to you!

About the Author:

Lorie Hartshorn is an international speaker, Bible teacher, and TV show host. Lorie's passion is to see people become everything that God intended them to be. Among her favourite things are cottage life, conversation, and community.



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