Family Radio CHRI

Don't Tell Anyone You're Reading This: A Christian Doctor's Thoughts on Sex, Shame, and Other Troublesome Issues

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Dr. Lina AbuJamra gives a refreshing and honest look at what it’s like to struggle with sexual temptation and shame and how the Church can better support Christians and communities in these challenging and often avoided topics.

REPLAY Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Dr. Lina AbuJamra.

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Book Description:

In Don't Tell Anyone You're Reading This, Dr. Lina AbuJamra gives a refreshing and honest look at what it’s like to struggle with sexual temptation and shame and how the Church can better support Christians and communities in these challenging and often avoided topics.

Are you wondering why you picked up this book? Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me. Maybe you’re like me—a good person living a decent life, making a living and working hard. You go to church on Sundays and pray before your meals. But you have a secret, a hidden part of your life that you’d be ashamed for anyone to find out about.

I get it. I really do. I have secrets too. The thing with secrets is that they eventually come out.

Instead of hiding, let’s have a difficult conversation, a real talk about secrets and shame and sex and a lot of things in between. Difficult conversations don’t have to be difficult, but they do have to be honest.

In Don’t Tell Anyone You’re Reading This, Lina shares her own struggle with sexual temptation with openness and vulnerability. She points out where the church and purity culture have failed our communities. Lina gets real about the excuses we make and the lies we tell ourselves even when our behaviors point to a larger problem.

This is a no-holds-barred discussion on why Christians still struggle with sexual sin and what the church needs to be doing to support Christians and the community at large. Most importantly, you’ll see that despite our constant failures as humans, Jesus doesn’t ask us to be perfect. He just asks us to be His.

If you’re going to have a difficult conversation, you might as well have it with a doctor.

About the Author:

Lina Abujamra is a pediatric ER doctor, now practicing telemedicine, and founder of Living With Power Ministries. Her vision is to bring hope to the world by connecting biblical answers to everyday life. A popular Bible teacher, podcaster, and conference speaker, she is the author of several books including Thrive, Stripped, Resolved and her most recent book, Fractured Faith.

Lina ministers to singles through her Moody Radio show, Today's Single Christian, and is engaged in providing medical care and humanitarian help to Syrian refugees and others in disaster areas in the Middle East. Her ministry also provides spiritual retreats for women at The Hope Ranch.


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