Family Radio CHRI

Acrostic of Scripture: A Rhyming Biblical Theology for Kids

acrosticofscripture 330The Acrostic of Scripture gives parents and teachers a unique way to teach theology to children and makes catechism fun! REPLAY Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Timothy Brindle.

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Book Description: 

The Acrostic of Scripture gives parents and teachers a unique way to teach theology to children and makes catechism fun! An alphabet of words introducing biblical theology, written to a rhyming beat, paints a detailed and varied portrait of the unfolding story of the Bible, as it is fulfilled by Jesus.

Authors Jonathan Gibson and Timothy Brindle have created The Acrostic of Scripture, to help children ages five to eleven learn theology so their "knowledge of God's big picture is better." The fourth release in the Acrostic Theology for Kids series, this book is fun to read, simple to memorize, and features illustrations from C. S. Fritz that shine with creativity.

The Acrostic of Scripture includes a QR code in the back that can be scanned to listen to the audio version of the book which Timothy Brindle reads in rap style.

About the Author:

Timothy Brindle has been making Christ-centered hip-hop since 2003 in which he uses lyricism to expound the truth of Jesus in Scripture. His most recently released album and its corresponding book, The Unfolding, was written to show how the entire Bible is God's one unfolding plan of redemption in Christ.


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