Family Radio CHRI

Saving Your Church from Itself

savingyourchurchfromitself 330Negative consequences can occur when a team member begins to drift from the vision of the church and the leader they serve. But the good news is, these situations never come out of left field. Replay Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Chris Sonksen.

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Book Description:

As a coach and mentor to hundreds of pastors, Chris Sonksen has had a front-row seat to the unfortunate outcomes when a team member begins to drift from the vision of the church and the leader they serve. But the good news is, these situations never come out of left field. There are always warning signs that, if heeded, allow church leaders to rise to the challenge of keeping their team healthy, unified, and moving forward together.

In this powerfully practical book, Sonksen unpacks six subtle behaviors that undermine team unity and lead to problems that can derail your ministry and even split your church, including:

- pride
- artificial harmony
- isolation
- a critical spirit
- divisiveness
- disrespect

Beyond merely identifying the problems, this book offers you a blueprint for what to do when you see or feel evidence of these behaviors creeping into team dynamics.

Alignment of vision and purpose doesn't happen by accident, and it isn't maintained without careful attention and proactive strategies. But with Chris Sonksen's help, you can save your church from itself.

About the Author:

Chris Sonksen is a well known author, coach, leader and pastor. He is the founder and lead pastor of SouthHills Church with multiple sites across the United States. He is also the founder and creator of churchBOOM, a coaching and resource platform designed to come alongside pastors to help equip and empower them to grow their church. He currently resides in San Clemente, California with his wife Laura and they have two adult children, Grace and Aidan.


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