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strong 330An inspiring vision of manhood through the examples of 11 ordinary men. Read more for Care Baldwin's YOUTH Wednesday Bookmark interview with author Catherine Parks.

Purchase "Strong: How God Equipped 11 Ordinary Men with Extraordinary Power (and Can Do the Same for You)" online at .

(Originally aired June 26, 2019)

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Book Description: Boys need strong role models.
In an age when the world is confused about what it means to be a strong man, boys need the examples of godly men who have gone before them. The eleven men in Strong are examples of true strength—men who stood firm when no one else would stand with them. As they read about these men, boys will learn about some familiar figures as well as those they may never have heard of before. They’ll read harrowing stories of danger and risk and miraculous tales of courage and sacrifice.
By reading about the humility of Alvin York, the courageous conviction of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the strong faith of Jackie Robinson, and the missionary heart of George Liele, boys will come away with an inspiring vision of manhood. But even more, they’ll encounter a personal God who strengthens His children “with all power, according to his glorious might” (Colossians 1:11). Rather than feeling the need to live up to impossible standards, they’ll see that true power comes from God, and the same God who strengthened the men in this book will empower readers to walk in His strength right where they are.

About the the Author: Catherine Parks is an author and Bible teacher who loves to see people build friendships around Scripture and prayer. She’s the author of Real: The Surprising Secret to Deeper Relationships, a co-author of A Christ-Centered Wedding: Rejoicing in the Gospel on Your Big Day, and she lives in Nashville, TN with her husband, two children, and a cute dog named Ollie.



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