Family Radio CHRI

"Kiss Me Again"(09-30-09)


In "Kiss Me Again", rediscover the lost intimacy in your marriage and rekindle the sexual desire with your husband that you really want.

Brock interviews author Barbara Wilson at 9am on this week's Wednesday Bookmark, brought to you by Salem Storehouse.


Click here to listen to the interview and learn more about how you can save 20% off the purchase this book!





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This book is available upon request at Salem Storehouse (1558 Merivale Road, 613-727-0203)

Offer only valid for one week from the interview date.




Do you ever wonder why marriage can seem like the end of intimacy and sexual desire instead of the beginning?


Ever wonder why it was so hard to resist sex before marriage–and so easy to resist it now? If so, you’re not alone! Many married women genuinely want to feel more desire toward their husbands…and can’t figure out what went wrong. But there’s good news. In Kiss Me Again, Barbara Wilson shows how powerful “invisible bonds” from past relationships can cause heartache, disappointment, and distance for couples in the present. Then–with sensitivity, honesty, and hope–Barbara walks you step by step toward healing…and a rekindling of the closeness and passion with your husband that you really want.


You don’t have to live any longer with confusion, disappointment, resentment, or shame. You can rediscover desire. You can say Wow! again.

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