Family Radio CHRI

Collecting the Moments That Matter

lookingforlovely annie 330 When we look for lovely, we see where God is moving, what He has created, and how He is faithful. Read more for Care's YOUTH Wednesday Bookmark interview with Annie F. Downs.

Purchase "Looking for Lovely - Teen Girls' Bible Study: Collecting the Moments that Matter" online at


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Book Description: We are looking for lovely because we are looking for God.

We want to see where He is moving, what He has created, and how He is faithful.

There’s a correlation between beauty and perseverance, between looking for lovely and not giving up.

As Christians, we are not promised lives of ease. And only when we learn to spot the lovely in the midst of hardship can we experience the transcendent peace of God that keeps us persevering when we want to give up. We have to be collectors. We have to look around our lives and store up the lovely moments, the profound, the simple—the ones that help us to hold on and persevere.

In this 7-session Bible study, Annie F. Downs examines the ordinary people of the Bible—fishermen, farmers, musicians, women—to discover how they sought beauty in their everyday lives to hold on to the hope of God’s perfect timing.

About the Authors:   ANNIE F. DOWNS is an author, speaker, and blogger based in Nashville, Tennessee. Flawed but funny, she uses her writing to highlight the everyday goodness of a real and present God. An author of three books- Let’s All Be Brave, Perfectly Unique, and Speak Love, Annie also loves traveling around the country speaking to young women, college students, and adults.


anniefdowns. com



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