Family Radio CHRI

09-28-16 - The Mind of Terror

Tass Saada, former Muslim and Palestinian sniper, shares what motivates Islamic terrorists. Read more for Brock Tozer's interview with Tass Saadaauthor of "The Mind of Terror: A Former Muslim Sniper Explores What Motivates ISIS and Other Extremist Groups (and how best to respond)" onthis week's Wednesday Bookmark, brought to you (aired September 28th, 2016)


What motivates Islamic terrorists? What is in the mind of terror? Our news reports from the Middle East cover events—bombings, massacres, and suicide attacks. Our newscasters take time to explain who the players are—from Hezbollah to the Iranian Quds, from ISIS to the Palestinian National Authority. But there is something underneath these events and players that fuels atrocity after atrocity in the Middle East. What is it? Tass Saada provides the answer to that question as he delves into the mind of terror, explaining what motivates extremist groups throughout the Middle East. A former Muslim and a onetime sniper with Yasser Arafat’s Fatah organization, Tass has lived it himself. At age 42, he steered his life in a radical new direction, committing it to Jesus. Tass not only describes the motivations and aspirations of those who live in the Middle East, he also outlines a peaceful solution. We can plant seeds of hope that will transform not only the Middle East, but also our increasingly diverse neighborhoods at home. Discover the mind behind terror and how to oppose its grip.

About the Author

Tass Saada is a former Muslim and the founder of Hope for Ishmael, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to reconcile Arabs and Jews. Born in 1951 in the Gaza Strip, Saada grew up in Saudi Arabia and Qatar. He worked under Yasser Arafat as a Fatah fighter and sniper. Years after immigrating to the United States, he became a Christian. He and his wife, Karen, now spend much of each year in the Middle East guiding a ministry to children.



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