Family Radio CHRI

02-11-15 - Once Sentence Storybooks

One sentence. One Bible story. One great teachable moment. Click here for Care's interview with award-winning author Nancy Sanders on "Bible Favorites: One Sentence Storybooks". Hear how this set of 10 mini-books can help kids learn to read, on this week's KIDS Wednesday Bookmark! " 



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This set of 10 delightful minibooks will help beginning readers recognize basic vocabulary words while learning about 10 favorite Bible stories. These creative books teach reading in the strongest way possible using repetition in a way that draws children in and brings them joy. The last word of each sentence part in the story is the featured vocabulary word on that page for a total of four featured vocabulary words for each minibook. Each page builds on the previous one both in art and text. The final illustration is always the whole scene of the story, giving an understanding of the sentence as a whole.

About the Author

Nancy I. Sanders grew up on a dairy farm in Everett, Pennsylvania, with 5 older sisters and 1 older brother. She spent her childhood days milking the cows, baling hay, and ice skating in the winter. She also spent many happy hours with her nose in a favorite book whether perched high up in an apple tree or floating on a raft in the middle of their pond. Today Nancy loves to write and is the author of over 75 books published with publishing houses both big and small. Now, one of her favorite things is to encourage other writers and help them learn practical strategies to use to build their own successful and satisfying career.

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