11-20-13 - Lead Your Family Like Jesus
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- Category: Authors
- Published: Monday, 18 November 2013 06:00

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Ken Blanchard, best-selling co-author of "The One Minute Manager" and "Lead Like Jesus", points to a better role model: the Son of God. Joined by veteran parents and authors Phil Hodges and Tricia Goyer, renowned business mentor Blanchard shows how every family member benefits when parents take the reins as servant-leaders. Moms and dads will see themselves in a whole new light—as life-changers who get their example, strength, and joy from following Jesus at home. This user-friendly book's practical principles and personal stories mark the path to a truly Christ-centered family, where integrity, love, grace, self-sacrifice, and forgiveness make all the difference.
About the Authors
Ken Blanchard
Ken Blanchard is the coauthor of "The One Minute Manager" and fifty other books, including the New York Timesbusiness bestsellers Gung Ho! and Raving Fans. His books have combined sales of more than eighteen million copies in more than twenty-seven languages. He is the chief spiritual officer of The Ken Blanchard Companies, a full-service global management training and development company that he and his wife, Dr. Marjorie Blanchard, founded in 1979.
Tricia Goyer
Tricia Goyer has published over 150 articles for national publications such as Guideposts for Kids, Christian Parenting Today, and HomeLife, and is the co-author of Meal Time Moments (Focus on the Family). She has led numerous Bible studies, and her study notes appear in the Women of Faith Study Bible. Tricia has founded programs to assist teens and teen moms through the Hope Pregnancy Center in Northwestern Montana, where she and her husband, John, live with their three children.
Phil Hodges
Phil Hodges, finds his greatest joy in his life-role relationships as husband, father, and grandpa. In 1999, Ken and Phil cofounded Lead Like Jesus, where he serves as chief content officer. He is the coauthor of five books: Lead Like Jesus: Lessons from the Greatest Leadership Role Model of All Time, The Most Loving Place in Town: A Modern Day Parable for the Church, Leadership Development for Every Day of the Year, The Servant Leader with Ken Blanchard, and Leadership by the Book with Ken Blanchard and Bill Hybels. Phil and his wife, Jane Kinnaird Hodges, live in southern California.