Family Radio CHRI

06-19-13 - Taylor's Gift

taylors_giftA raw, heart breaking look at grief in the face of loosing a teenage daughter, and making her life count for more than it could have in life.  Click here for Brock's interview with Tara Storch, co-author of "Taylor's Gift: A Courageous Story of Giving Life and Renewing Hope" on this week's Wednesday Bookmark, brought to you by Salem Storehouse!    



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In March 2010, thirteen-year-old Taylor Storch's life was tragically cut short by a skiing accident. With only a few minutes to consider their options, her grieving family made the life-changing decision to donate her organs. Knowing Taylor's caring spirit, they were sure this was what she would have wanted. Over the course of the next two years, Tara and Todd Storch connected with four of the five people who now live because of Taylor's gift. And through these encounters, the Storches have discovered unexpected blessings that are changing countless lives.

Now Tara and Todd share their inspiring story, shining a light at the end of the tunnel for those enduring the suffering of losing a loved one. Through the stories of the donor recipients, readers will discover hope in the midst of pain. Honest with their struggles, the Storches show readers that life is a gift and our response to grief is a choice. They also speak with a clear voice about the importance and the blessing of being an organ donor, telling the inspiring story of the creation of Taylor's Gift Foundation and its goals to raise awareness of the need for organ donation, to re-gift life, renew health, and restore families. They are changing the conversation around the globe that organ donation is not about death--it's about life! Foreword by Max Lucado. 


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"On our drive home, Thomas sang along to his first song on the radio. "Not so average." He was singing the "a a a a a a a." When I realized that he was singing along, I was so relieved that we were listening to a family-friendly radio station, and in that moment I thanked God for CHRI!"

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