04-04-12 - What Every Man Wishes His Father Had Told Him
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- Category: Authors
- Published: Monday, 02 April 2012 11:33

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A powerful and compelling new voice in Christian publishing, with a message urgently needed by today's Christian men.
Every man encounters significant struggles in life—struggles that result in poor choices and decisions. Frequently these mistakes can be traced back to a common problem—a father who (even unintentionally) failed to provide counsel or a positive role model.
In What Every Man Wishes His Father Had Told Him, author Byron Yawn offers vital input many men wished they had received during their growing-up years. This collection of 30 simple principles will help men to...
- Identify and fill the gaps that occurred in their upbringing
- Benefit from the hard-earned wisdom of others so they don't make mistakes
- Prepare their own sons for the difficult challenges of life
The 30 principles in this book are based in Scripture and relevant to every man. They include affection, courage, balance, consistency, and more. A true must-read!
About the Author
Byron Yawn is the senior pastor of Community Bible Church in Nashville, Tennessee and a much-sought speaker. His book Well-Driven Nails received much positive acclaim from prominent ministers, including John MacArthur and Steven Lawson. Byron has MDiv and DMin degrees from The Master's Seminary, is married to Robin, and has three children.