04-13-11 - Mana for Moms
- Details
- Category: Authors
- Published: Monday, 11 April 2011 10:23

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Megan Breedlove hits it right on target with this bite-sized, but deep and insightful book for moms. It was evident she was a stay-at-home mom who but also a woman of faith who wanted to integrate relationship with God with her everyday life, and it works! If you are a mom, you will relate with Megan's humor, honesty, and connect with her relevant faith.
Between diaper changes, carpools, meals and spills, you probably wonder if it's possible to find quality time with God. If only you could connect with your Creator and vacuum cereal out of the car seat at the same time. Megan Breedlove, a stay-at-home mom of four energetic little ones, has discovered the secret: Recognize He is there in every messy, miraculous moment. Manna for Moms is a one-mom-to-another devotional that will inspire you to look up and lighten up-even when you're cleaning up!
God speaks to His children through His calling on their lives, which means that you, Mom—who have a high and holy calling, indeed—can listen for God's voice and respond to Him even as you tackle the daily tasks of mothering your children. Each devotion in Manna for Moms is encouragement and inspiration to face every hectic day with an open heart, expecting God to reveal Himself in the midst of whatever chaos arises! Megan also offers tips and suggestions for staying tuned in to God's presence in your interactions with your kids. Instead of struggling to find time with God, share your hair-raising mothering adventure with your loving Heavenly Father.