Family Radio CHRI


March for Life Interview with Alissa Golob

MarchforLife11Alissa Golob, Youth Coordinator for Campaign Life Coalition, was LIVE in studio with Care Baldwin on Monday, April 8th to discuss her school visits (April 8th - 15th) and the National March For Life. Click here to listen to it (audio) and click here to view it (video).



Alissa will be in Ottawa from April 8th to 15th doing presentations for schools and youth groups (Schools she will be visiting: Imacculata, St. Joseph's, Holy Trinity, St. Patrick's and All Saints.)



alissa_golobAbout Alissa Golob
Born in Peterborough, Ontario, She is one of the main organizers of the March for Life. 
As the Youth Coordinator for Campaign Life Coalition (Canada's oldest and largest national pro-life organization), since 2010, Alissa travels across Canada, addressing Canada's youth, and motivating them to become active in the pro-life movement. She has been featured on various radio and television programs such as CBC, Global Television, CHCH, CTV, CTS and is a regular on Sun News Network's The Arena with Michael Coren.
Alissa recently spearheaded the Defund Abortion Campaign across Ontario and represented Canada's pro-life youth movement at the United Nations' 57th Commission on the Status of Women in New York.

About the National March for Life:
WHEN: Thursday, May 9th @ noon
WHERE: Parliament Hill

CHRI's Dianne Van der Putten will be "Out & About" with Arnprior Chrysler. 
Join the march to declare that human life is worth fighting for and remind our federal politicians that each and every human life is worthy of protection.


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