Family Radio CHRI


McCafe Mondays in April

image001Tune in Monday mornings in April to WIN a McCafé prize pack!

Every Monday is McCafé Monday at participating McDonald's. All espresso-based beverages (small size) are only $1*



*plus tax

Going to bed late and sleeping in on the weekends can lead to social jetlag on Monday morning, a modern phenomenon with symptoms similar to jetlag. McDonald's Canada conducted a poll with Ipsos to find out just how many Canadians experience social jetlag and what they do about it. The survey found that for the nearly half of Canadians (46%) who experience social jetlag, Monday mornings can be tough and more than half of them (56%) turn to coffee to get their Monday started right. McDonald's is making the hardest day of the week a bit easier to face. 


HOW: What is your best MONDAY survival tip? (How do you get through Monday's?) Listen for Brock to tell you to call (613-247-1886), be the 3rd caller through and you WIN!

WHAT: a McCafe Monday's prize pack (includes: $25 McDonald's gift Card, McCafé Mondays day planner, chocolate covered espresso beans and McCafé travel mug)

WHEN: Monday mornings (between 7am-10am ET) throughout April, 2013

WHERE: On Air (613-247-1886)

EXTRA INFO: Delicious deals on any small hot specialty coffee. Click here for the McCafe Menu


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