Family Radio CHRI

These Are the Days of Summer

Care's Backyard Mom Recommendations

These Are The Days of Summer 7 Day 9You really only need ONE of these to get through the summer with small children. They both inspire creative play and entertain the kids for hours!

The water table and/or a sandbox.

Whether you have a tiny backyard, only a front yard, or a backyard oasis, I have discovered these two simple items have helped me as a mom spend more time outside. I am even able to read a book in the sun or work on the garden while the kids are entertained. Here are a few reasons I love them:

They don't take up much space. If you have 9 square feet that's enough space for one of these.From as early as they can stand on their own, the water table is great for toddlers and my almost-five-year-old still loves it! I didn't let my daughter go in the sandbox until after she stopped putting everything in her mouth, but now they both still love it and show no signs of stopping.They can play together, play with you, or play alone. Endless creativity and everybody wins!

If you can find them USED on Facebook Marketplace, do it! Here are the two that were gifted to us by the grandparents and I am so grateful!

Step2 Rain Showers Splash Pond Water Table

Step2 Crabbie Sandbox

Have fun this summer!

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