Family Radio CHRI

In Case You Missed It on the Radio

Dancing together can save the whole hive

MondayMotivation 330Every Monday at 5:00 P.M. ET, Care Baldwin shares a Monday Motivation on the Drive with Care. This week, she shares evidence from Creation that there is strength in vulnerability and community.

"Dancing together can save the whole hive."

Read more for the audio replay + transcript of Care's message!



Bees are fascinating! In the cold winter season, wild honeybees gather in a hollow tree and shiver their flight muscles to keep the Queen and the hive warm and their honey supply protected. Just one bee doesn’t produce much heat, but twenty thousand all working together keeps the hive at a tropical 90 degrees Fahrenheit. And when the bees on the outside of the circle get too cold, they loop back inward while the inside bees take their position on the outside and they continue this circular dance together, working in symphony and protecting each other and the vulnerable and important Queen... a beautiful picture of community. 
When one of us needs protecting, the others are there. When one is carrying a heavy responsibility, the others gather and protect. Surround yourself with community, dancing together can save the whole hive. Happy Monday!