Family Radio CHRI

In Case You Missed It on the Radio

The world will ask you who you are and if you don't know the world will tell you.

MondayMotivation 330Every Monday at 5:00 P.M. ET, Care Baldwin shares a Monday Motivation quote along with a message to encourage you in your life and faith. This week, she shares a quote by psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung.

"The world will ask you who you are and if you don't know the world will tell you."

Read more for the audio replay + transcript of Care's message!



“It’s Care, this is your Monday Motivation quote, said by psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung. “The world will ask you who you are and if you don't know the world will tell you.” It's so important to know who we are otherwise we wind up being very confused and we're subject to suggestion... If You ask the WORLD who you are, the world will give you the wrong answer.. based on the news, Hollywood, evolving culture, other people's behaviours and even your emotions...
Have compassion on people who don't know who they are, because if you're not the one modelling who Jesus is then how are they expected to know who THEY truly are?
The world is going to fill that in for them and its not going to be right, and it won't be life-giving. The answer the world gives may even hurt. So, let me tell you who you are! :
You are chosen, you are a child of God, you have a purpose, you are a light to others, you are forgiven, you are blessed, and gifted. You are bold, you are delighted, you are loved and valued, you are wonderfully made, and you are enough.
Happy Monday"