Family Radio CHRI


Tips For Serving During Covid-19

covidvolunteerMasks, quarantine, physical distancing... these things have greatly impacted HOW we serve, but the reasons WHY we serve have not diminished. 

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

Whether or not you are able to assist in-person, the needs of nonprofits and charities for volunteer assistance and donations have continued during the pandemic and for many have increased exponentially. Here are a few tips for serving during Covid-19...

The earlier months of COVID forced the local agencies who serve our homeless and low income communities to stop collecting donations from the public due to their limited volunteer base and storage facilities. In the first 15 weeks after the initial COVID-19 shutdown, the Ottawa Food Bank experienced a 326 per cent increase in the volume of calls for food, and families and individuals continue to struggle.

1. Volunteering in person is possible during COVID-19. Many organizations are taking extra precautions to ensure volunteer safety by screening in-person volunteers for symptoms, checking temperatures, ensuring physical distancing and sanitizing equipment between users. But trust your gut. If you arrive at a volunteer event and don’t think organizers are sufficiently safeguarding the health of their volunteers, you should leave immediately and let them know you don’t feel safe.

2. Do what you enjoy doing. Volunteer to do tasks you like doing. If you like to be outside, maybe it’s collecting garbage on the streets. If having someone read to you as a child was important to you, find a program that pairs you with a child over ZOOM. If you’re good at sewing, you can make PPEs like face masks, caps, and gowns for health care workers. Know your limits, and don’t be shy about what you don’t want to do. It’s important that you enjoy the activity, otherwise it won’t be a successful volunteer effort.

3. Serve as a family. A family that serves together stays together! Not only is it more enjoyable when you take on a project with someone else, but getting the whole family involved can be life-changing: It can strengthen your bond together and teach your kids the value of giving back.
As you teach your kids about the needs that exist around them, ask THEM to help decide which initiative you want to take on. Giving them ownership will make it more exciting and will help raise them up as World Changers.

4. Donate physical items. If you are unable to serve in-person, don’t worry! There is still a major need for donated items. Over the past year, some of the physical items that were collected by the community include:
- Food items
- Winter coats
- PPEs
- Hygiene items
- Socks & underwear
- Hand sanitizer

RespondOttawa was created after the 2018 tornadoes and the need to connect the church with the needs in the community. Their team is in constant communication with our City officials and other agencies to assess the greatest needs for the region and mobilize The Church to help!
See what the current needs are at:

If your church or organization needs assistance, visit

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