Family Radio CHRI


In Times of Need, Come Close to Him

notmine rayblog“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” ~ James 4:8 (NKJV)

We live in unprecedented days. Our world as we know it has changed drastically. Life as we have known it has changed significantly, and one wonders what the new ‘normal’ will look like.

Even our vocabulary has changed. The term ‘social distancing’ is heard everywhere you turn. We are reminded in the news, on social media, in every open store or shop we enter, and even in our physical interchanges with neighbours, it has become a new reality.

I am certain many of us are thankful for technology that allows us to talk over FaceTime, Skype, Zoom or Google Hangouts. Technology has allowed us to visibly see one another and connect ‘virtually’. Although I must confess, I miss snuggling my grandchildren.

Fortunately, we do not have to apply social distancing to our relationship with the Lord. If anything, some of us may be afforded a greater opportunity without the distractions of full agendas to engage with Him. Strengthening our relationship does require some intentionality - to shut out the other ‘voices’ vying for our attention.

We are reminded in James 4:8 that God is looking for us to draw aside and seek Him. As children we gather to Him, to discover and experience Him in His Word and meditate upon His promises to us.

How many of us have ever taken the time to ask Him about our money and possessions? I did not until some five years ago. Learning about this area never crossed my mind. I had no interest or desire. However, after reading Howard Dayton’s book Your Money Counts, my whole perspective on this area changed. I realized for the first time in my life that the Bible does in fact have something relevant to say about this issue.

For some, the realities of our current situation may be coming into clear focus with job losses, reduced income, and inability to meet our monthly bills, let alone pay for the essentials. Mortgage payments and payments for credit cards and lines of credit become overwhelming.

God’s promises us that as we draw or come close to Him, He in turn will come close to us. When we do this in relation to our finances, He reveals His heart for this area of our lives. These new revelations begin to impact our desires and habits. The change of heart gives way to getting our financial house in order.

Allow Him to whisper hope, faith, and peace into your heart. Let Him speak to you about what to give up, what to give away and how to guard your heart from overspending in this season. May you become rooted and anchored in His love for you as you receive all He speaks to you.

May we see these days as an opportunity to pursue Him and to discover Him in fresh ways as He comes close to us. What a wonderful promise!

ray blogheadshotBy Ray Borg
CHRI Board Member,

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