Family Radio CHRI


Responding to COVID-19

covid responseIt’s no secret that the last several weeks (particularly this past week) has felt a bit chaotic. COVID-19 has made its way to our city, making the virus so much more than something we see on the news. There has been a strong sense of panic, fear, and anxiety in the air. Store shelves are empty, establishments are closed, and people are out of work.

So, how do we respond in these times of crisis with peace, love, and understanding? There are a few things we can do.

1) Pray
The power of prayer can not only lead to a bigger impact on the current situation, but also to the relief of anxiety and fear. Pray for healing, providence, and peace.
Philippians 4:6-7 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

2) Embrace the Closures
Cancellations are happening for a reason. It’s a lesson learned from other countries like Italy, China, and Spain in light of COVID-19. These countries have been overturned by the virus and Canada is doing its best to prevent that same health collapse from happening here. Take advantage of this down time to call up an old friend, to spend more time with your kids, to finally finish reading that book. We often complain about how busy life is, and this down time can be a gift to many.

3) Be Smart
Continue to do what you can to protect yourself. Cough into your sleeve, stay home if you’re sick, wash your hands (see video below), be mindful of social distancing, and do an elbow or foot tap in lieu of a hand shake.

4) Help Your Neighbour
Spread kindness by offering services to those around you that may be impacted by the virus. Hand out this card to those around you.

All of us at CHRI are doing what we can to ensure that we stay with you on the air, specifically because times like this deserve extra positivity and encouragement!

Wash your hands, enjoy the down time, and continue to pray.
The CHRI Team

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