Family Radio CHRI



care matshootI am about to enter a new season of life... The season of motherhood. One that I have felt ready for in the last 3 years. But God doesn't always have the same plans.
My husband Jason and I had to find ourselves in a different season first: a season of waiting.
We knew we wanted to be parents, we always talked about it, but we also came to accept that HOW we became parents might end up looking different than we had hoped and dreamed...

I always believed that God would give you 'the desires of your heart' (Psalm 37:4) and that 'you get what you pray for' (Mark 11:24) but that doesn't mean it'll manifest the way you expect.
Was adoption what God had in mind? If so, would He eventually take away my lifelong desire to bear a child of my own?

I think people around us began to wonder if we even wanted kids (we've been married 8 years this past May) and you don't need me to tell you that it’s just not something you should ask a young, married couple ;)
We weren’t afraid to talk about what we were going through, though. We found there are lots of people who have experience a miscarriage, child loss, or unexplained infertility (as in our case) who wanted to talk about it. So during this time of waiting and uncertainty, we opened ourselves up to helping other couples know that they're not alone.
We all go through the same struggles but can feel isolated if we don't talk about it.

A couple of weeks ago at CHRI, we talked a lot about 'hindsight' (hind•sight noun: understanding of a situation or event only after it has happened or developed.) and that's exactly what I was being equipped with in my season of waiting. I knew that I needed to trust God now because there would [inevitably] come another time - even if it's twenty years from now - when I would find myself in another season of waiting. God will equip you with the tools you need to do what He's called you to do and for us in this case, it was peace.
How could I know peace in the future and trust His faithfulness if I couldn't see it now? I guess it was like a training process! Being able to listen to what the Lord is 'training' you for now becomes an invaluable tool for the future.

This pregnancy has been such a beautiful and a positive experience and I can’t help but believe it’s all because it was in God’s perfect timing. His plans, His will, and His timing, are always better than our own and The Ultimate Provider will give you the peace you need during that season of waiting.
I don't know what season you're in right now, but God knows and His plan is your reward.

Thank you to those who prayed for us during our season of waiting and who have been praying through this pregnancy. It has been more than we could have asked or imaged.
I will miss spending my afternoons with you but am thankful for this next season. I’m sure my maternity leave will fly by and then I’ll be ready for whatever season the Lord has planned next, so don’t forget me... ‘cause I’ll never forget you!


- Care Baldwin


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