Family Radio CHRI


Creating a Culture of Thankfulness

thankfulbox 330Help your family create a spirit and culture of thankfulness and gratitude that flows through the whole year, not just at Thanksgiving, with a "Thankful Box"...

Have you ever thought about how much more time is spent preparing a Thanksgiving spread and cleaning up afterward, than sitting at the table and eating it?
What if I offered you a remedy of amazing proportion to hold your family and friends around the table just a little bit longer?

I have a solution that’s almost too good to be true...except it’s time-tested in our family, so I know it works! If you are interested in:

  • Establishing a tradition that has cross-generational appeal
  • Fostering thankfulness as a way of life, not a once-a-year holiday
  • Encouraging intentional gratitude
  • Generating fun conversation and a lot of laughter
  • Providing an atmosphere that is so entertaining, football fans will almost forget there are games to be watched...

... Then you must get a Thankful Box! The actual vessel is insignificant; it’s what is inside that counts.

The Thankful Box can be used a number of ways. When I made ours, my thought was to have the box placed in a conspicuous location, where everyone in my family could jot down reasons they were thankful throughout the year; on Thanksgiving Day, we’d open the box and read each slip of paper aloud...and remember why we have so much for which to be thankful.
Oh the best laid plans {s i g h}; I think we might have had a better shot at my “ideal” had I begun this when my children were younger (them, dictating and me recording their “thanks”).
As it turned out, on the days just prior to Thanksgiving and as late as that morning, I had everyone write down (including visiting extended family) at least ONE reason they were thankful; it was their ticket into lunch.
They took me seriously and no one wrote down just one reason.
After lunch, each person retrieved a slip of paper out of the box, read it aloud, and we all guessed who had written it; there were so many “thanksgivings,” the box went around the table multiple times.
“Thanks” ranged from spiritual and profound (creation, Truth) to the simple things we take for granted (food/shelter/toilet paper).
It was wonderful.

Your turn: For fun, why not make your own Thankful Box? There are no right or wrong ways to construct one; glitter and tissue paper go a long way in transforming a shoe box.


Source: Robin Dance of

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