Faith and Football
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- Category: Blog
- Published: Monday, 31 August 2015 17:19
Last night, CHRI partnered with Athletes in Action and the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG) for the first ever Faith Day with the Ottawa REDBLACKS. All the organizers were very pleased with the turn-out and how inspiring the night was. (Oh, and by the way, REDBLACKS beat Saskatchewan 35-13 ). Read more for a re-cap, photos, and prayer requests from the players...
Immediately following the game at TD Place, visitors came down to section 19 & 20 of the Arena to hear from players and other local athletes.
Kevin Cuz and Mike Doucette of Athletes In Action (who work with students and the Carleton and Ottawa U varsity teams) gave a brief introduction of the work they do and history of AIA in Ottawa. Before the REDBLACKS players came out, the crowd of 300 was introduced to two other local athletes: Leon Brown and Gerry Organ.
Leon holds the 2015 open world record in bench press at 488 lbs and shared his desire to be a light in the powerlifting world (which he said, was very dark when he first began lifting). When asked what role his faith plays in lifting, he said when you have 500 pounds over your head, all you can do is push and hold it as long as you can and let God do the rest! He recently posted a video to Facebook of him benching 515 lbs!! Follow him on Facebook here or check out
Gerry Organ is a former CFL placekicker and punter, having played 13 seasons with the Ottawa Rough Riders including 3 Grey Cup games. He is still holds the record in Ottawa for the most points scored with 1462. He delivered a message to young athletes in the audience on perseverance reminding them to work hard, stay faithful, and seek wise counsel from a mentor (even your parents); that you may see the fruits of your efforts now or in 30 years but God has great plans for you. Gerry currently serves pastors and leaders in Ottawa with One Way Ministries
After hearing from Leon and Gerry, I brought up Paul Huggins of AIA (Pro Staff, working as the chaplain for all 3 OSEG teams – REDBLACKS, Fury, and 67’s) to introduce six REDBLACKS players. He called out their names as their tired, beat-up bodies – still sore from the night’s Big Win – hobbled down the steps.
*Pictured below, the players, seated from left to right, were:
Maurice Price 7
Brandyn Thompson 25
Cameron Clemmons 58
Jermaine Robinson 32
SirVincent Rogers 55
Keith Shologan 74
Aside from each player being open about their faith and the primary role Jesus plays in their lives, one thing I noticed is the camaraderie between them. Even between defensive and offensive players who don’t spend as much time together on the field, there is a clear sense of respect and brother-hood among them. They spoke of their lives being a witness to others (primarily in the locker room) and said they’ve been praying together in the locker room lately and no one has complained!; how in a professional football career, you can get injured or traded at any time but knowing that God has a plan and a purpose keeps them from worrying about their “fate”; they also asked for prayer from the Christian community (see below).
It was so inspiring seeing these hard-working professional athletes striving to put Jesus Christ at the centre of their lives on and off the field and just totally putting their careers in God’s hands.
The crowd gave a standing ovation but the players humbly pointing up, giving the glory to God.
After the interviews, these 6 tired bodies went out to the concourse to meet fans and take photos and sign autographs. Even though the players are entering their ‘Bye-Week’ and have family waiting to spend time with them as well as some much-needed time to rest, they didn’t rush to get out of there. They stayed to meet everyone and so one was missed. I was very impressed!
(*from an organizers stand-point, I was also very impressed with the helpfulness of the staff at OSEG and TD Place.)
I hope you were inspired by what Christ has done in the lives of these young men and will continue to pray for them as they represent Him and our nation’s capital!
Prayer Requests (by player):
Maurice Price (7)
- For health throughout the remainder of the season
- That God will bless and strengthen his new (only 4 months) marriage
Brandyn Thompson (25)
- That he continue to grow in His relationship with God and the guys keep each other accountable
- For consistency with his faith and disciplined with spending time with God
Cameron Clemmons (58)
- That he continues to stay obedient to God and reach out to Him
Jermaine Robinson (32)
- God’s continued quick healing of his wrist injury
- That he continues to pursue his faith and Jesus
SirVincent Rogers (55)
- That individually and together they reach their full potential and continue to grow and do things that will build God’s kingdom.
- Help as they continue to choose God's will over their own.
Keith Shologan (74)
- That they be witnesses in the locker room first and foremost, and then to others.