Family Radio CHRI


Bring Your Gifts to the Table

ethel_blogMe, be a member of the CHRI Board of Directors? I don't think I've got the time and I'm sure there are people out there that are more experienced that I am! These were the thoughts that ran through my head over 9 years ago when I was first approached to consider joining the CHRI Board. Two terms later, I can't begin to tell you how happy I was that I (reluctantly) responded to God's call.


Now, as past Chair of the Board, I've been asked to sit on the Board of Directors Nominating Committee and I wanted to share a few words of encouragement in hopes that you might be moved by the Holy Spirit to take on this worthy service.

First of all the "I've got no time" feeling is a very valid one. In this crazy paced world that is often a big concern. We don't need one more thing on our plate however, with only one evening meeting a quarter there is a minimum time commitment from a meetings perspective and any additional time you sow into the CHRI Ministry is completely up to you. I've personally found that volunteering at events, answering phones during Sharathon or any other way that I've squeezed in a few extra moments with the CHRI family has been returned to me in blessings tenfold!

When it comes to others being "more qualified" there again, I would say that God can use everyone's gifts and talents for His purpose! Over my years on the Board, I have seen a incredibly wide variety of personalities around the Board table with a vast array of experience and talents and God has always used each person for His perfect timing. So if the Spirit is nudging you to step forward then trust God and He will use you in a powerful way!

It's truly hard to put into words what being part of the CHRI Board has meant to me. This ministry has amazing people, great leadership and a endless heart for God but their team is small and their mission is huge!

Won't you prayerfully consider reaching out and brining your gifts to the table?

If you are interested please send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (subject: "Board") with your resume and a brief summary of why you feel called to this Ministry.

Ethel Mahoney
Past Chair, CHRI Board of Directors

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