Family Radio CHRI


Preparing Your Backyard for Birds this Winter

Care2I'm such a nerd! I'm always looking for a craft to do on Pinterest. I admit, I don't always follow through when I Pin something to my "DIY So Gotta Try" Board, but it gives me inspiration and helps me make the most of the holidays and change in season.
This week has been beautiful and despite this unusually warm Fall, winter is still coming!
I found this article I wanted to share... it helps you prepare your backyard and balcony for the birds this winter.


Now, sadly, my condo corporation doesn't encourage bird feeders BUT, you should read this and get ideas on how you can start now, bringing in the birds! (It'll be something you can look at when you stare out in to the white wonderland from the warm comfort of your home! :) )


(source: Nature Canada Bird Conservation


Think Food. Feeders in the winter provide an extra energy source for birds that stay in the area during winter. Provide a number of feeder styles and types of feed (sunflower, thistle, unsalted peanuts, sliced fruit, seed scattered on stamped down snow) to attract many differentbird_winter birds to your yard. Feeders can also be easily attached to windows using suction cups. Place feeders where they are sheltered from predators and weather, and clean feeders regularly.

Small space? No problem! Some feeders are available with a suction cup attachment that can be stuck right to the window!

Don't remove dead flower heads in the autumn. Don't cut back old annual or perennial plants. The seed heads that are left in place on plants such as coneflowers, sunflowers and thistle will provide a lasting source of seed for finches and sparrows.

Don't rake too much. Dead leaves left under trees and shrubs are ideal spots for sparrows to forage for insects throughout the colder months.

Provide cover. Birds need shelter from harsh conditions, and vegetation in your yard will help to furnish it. Don't prune back dead vegetation like vines and stalks – these provide both valuable winter cover and nesting material for birds in the spring. Balconies have a special opportunity to attract nesting birds as they provide great shelter.

Add habitat in your backyard in the form of a brush pile, which may attract foraging birds and mammals, and even over-wintering reptiles, amphibians and insects.

Think ahead to next winter by planning for spring planting. Choose species that are native to your area. Good sources of winter food for birds include rosehips of wild roses, the berries of sumac and dogberry, the seeds of maples and birches, and perennials like black-eyed susans.


I hope this helps and you enjoy a variety of birds this winter! Feel free to follow me on Pinterest:

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