Family Radio CHRI


Beth Moore Living Proof

dianneThis past Saturday I was invited to join ladies from Pembroke and the surrounding area for a Beth Moore Living Proof Live simulcast at Wesley Community Church. I know it might come as a bit of a shock to you, but I've never seen Beth Moore on television or been to one of her conferences before. So with that in mind, I decided it was long overdue, and said yes. Glad I did!

I was pleasantly surprised by the number of ladies, of all ages, who were present. What a great outreach opportunity as well as building into the women of your church and the friends they bring.
Travis Cottrell, worship leader at Beth Moore's Living Proof Live conferences, brought us to a place of rest in the Lord as well as prepared our hearts to receive the teaching the Holy Spirit wanted to impart. I know the leaders of this ministry as well as the location organizers have been praying for a divine impact on every woman that was present. I could feel the power of those prayers from the very beginning. It was Awesome!

Beth Moore did a truly amazing job at teaching on the topic of No Longer, based on Romans 5:1-2 and 6:1-6. Beth brought illustrations, passion, laughter and depth of insight into her teaching. I was furiously taking notes and had more than one light bulb moment.
I was asked what my personal take away from this conference would be. That's a tough question because I'm still unpackaging the information, wanting to read through the scriptures again and meditate on the teaching. What I can say is this, as I go through my day to day life, I don't want to resurrect my old self (corpse) which died and was buried when I accepted Christ. Living under the Law only leads to Guilt and Shame. I want to live my life, fully under Grace, and receive the Power that is mine in Christ, to live victoriously each and every day!
For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace. Rom 6:14

Thank you to the organizers at Wesley Community Church for hosting the Beth Moore simulcast and inviting women to join with them to be transformed more and more into the likeness of Christ. "We are all living proof that our God is alive and that He is good."



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