Family Radio CHRI


Standing Together

one_free_worldI attended the event yesterday evening "Standing Together against persecution of Christians" and was overwhelmed at the numbers in attendance (I would guess around 400 or more) of Jewish people and Christians joined together in a common cause.
The event was hosted by Rabbi Dr. Reuven Bulka at Machzikei Hadas on Viriginia Drive in Ottawa. Key note speakers were the Hon. John Baird, Foreign Affairs Minister and the Hon Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, along with the Hon. David Kilgour, Human Rights Activist, Mark Adler MP and Chair of the House of Commons Interfaith Committee, Rev. Majed El Shafie, of One Free World International Ministry, and Rev. Rob Parker, National House of Prayer plus several other federal MPs were in the audience.

Most Canadians may not know that Christians are persecuted for their faith in over 130 countries around the world; over 100,000 Christians a year are murdered, every 3 months 200 to 300 million Christians are persecuted worldwide, 60% of whom are children. It was encouraging to hear that the federal government has spoken out against the religious persecution of Christians taking place in several countries. A federal Office of Religious Freedom has been created, although it is not yet up and running. There were several messages reiterating that all human rights are essential, including freedom of belief and freedom to practice one's religion. Rev. El Shafie stated that persecution is not so much about the "suffering" but about "forgiveness and victory" and that all faiths are in danger of persecution by extremists. Rev. El Shafie believes the solutions are in unity of individuals and for our government to reward countries who improve their human rights records. Mark Adler reminded the audience of the lyrics from our national anthem "we stand on guard for Thee" and stressed that we must fight the voices of hatred and racism and not take freedom for granted.

The event last evening was a clear example of unity, initiated by a Rabbi to create awareness of persecution of Christians. Rob Parker stated that the event was an answer to prayer. Annie Elliott of the organization, For Zion's Sake International, was credited with doing much of the organizational work over more than a year to bring the event to fruition. Rabbi Bulka concluded the evening with a statement that a Coalition of Concerned Canadians is being formed. What an awesome gathering! This definitely is an issue to speak out about and stand together with others of like mind.

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