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Category: Blog
Published: Monday, 05 March 2012 11:12
Last Thursday I had the chance to hear about another amazing anti-human trafficking organization, Defend Dignity, that was birthed in Regina, Saskatchewan by Glendyne Garrard. Defend Dignity was in Ottawa with the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada to speak with MP's about prostitution and human trafficking laws in Canada.
The group also heard from
MP Joy Smith about her fight against human trafficking and her work in trying to get Bill C-310 passed. A bill that would amend Canada's Criminal Code to help end human trafficking and hold Canadians to high standards. It was a pleasure to see that people in Ottawa are truly engaging in this fight and trying to make a change for the voiceless. Defend Dignity has put together some incredible resources to allow you to become a part of the fighting against trafficking, which you can access
here. If this is the first time you are hearing about human trafficking or changing prostitution laws, watch the video below & hear from two women who were involved in prostitution and what they are fighting for. We are all in this together and we will end this together.