Family Radio CHRI



How would you feel if you were in your thirties and—out of the blue—you suddenly found out you were adopted?  That’s exactly what happened to Christine Caine.   In honor of National Adoption Month, here’s a short video of Christine sharing part of her story and how she handled that shocking news.

Known for her “tell-it-like-it-is,” passionate, and often hilarious style, Christine Caine travels the globe taking her messages of hope and inspiration to people around the world. This gifted communicator has a heart for reaching the hurting and helping people unlock their God-given potential. Christine is a member of the leadership team at Hillsong Church (based in Sydney, Australia), and founder of The A21 Campaign, a non-profit organisation, principally engaged in the abolishment of human injustice in the 21st Century. 

Somewhere in Canada tonight, a child will go to bed in a room that’s not their own, will cry for a mother who is not there, will long for the embrace of a father to keep them safe. This child is waiting to belong. In fact, there are more than 30,000 adoptable kids in Canada who are waiting just like this. Most of these kids will go to bed tonight still waiting for a forever family . . . but you can help end the wait.  Visit for more information on adoption in Canada.




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