Family Radio CHRI


Being a Fanatic

Nefarious-Merchant-of-Souls"If to be feelingly alive to the sufferings of my fellow-creatures is to be a fanatic, I am one of the most incurable fanatics ever permitted to be at large." ― William Wilberforce  Human Trafficking (sexual, domestic, industrial, and agricultural) is a 32 billion dollar per year industry, bringing in more revenue than the NFL, NBA, NHL and MLB combined. Shocking. Our society is as advanced, as educated and as connected globally than ever. How can we be so aware yet unaware and complacent to how people are being treated around the world?


Yesterday evening I attended a screening of Nefarious: Merchant of Souls a new documentary created by Exodus Cry, a global anti human trafficking organization. [Trailer below]

This movie is the best illustration of the sex trade epidemic that I have seen. It is hard to watch and even harder to think about after but I feel compelled to not turn away from the difficulties in our world.

"Nefarious, Merchant of Souls, is a hard-hitting documentary that exposes the disturbing trends in modern sex slavery. From the very first scene, Nefarious ushers you into the nightmare of sex slavery that hundreds of thousands experience daily. You'll see where slaves are sold (often in developed, affluent countries), where they work, and where they are confined. You'll hear first-hand interviews with real victims and traffickers, along with expert analysis from international humanitarian leaders. From initial recruitment to victim liberation—and everything in between—the previously veiled underworld of sex slavery is uncovered in the groundbreaking, tell-all Nefarious, Merchant of Souls." (Excerpt taken from the Nefarious website).

The documentary explores the issue of human trafficking as it is manifested in Eastern Europe, South East Asia, and the United States. Each region is revealed to have unique challenges, cultural norms, and myths that allow the injustice to run rampant. Your eyes and mind will be opened to what sex trafficking in these various regions looks like. The documentary investigates and dispels myths like ones that say, "Women in prostitution are safer when prostitution is legalized and regulated, like in Amsterdam" or, "Women in the US and Canada who are in prostitution are there because they want to be."

The movie does also offer hope. Sharing stories of women who have been freed from their bondage in the sex industry and how they have found healing though the love of Jesus. We are all in this together but you do have the choice to be aware or turn away. Abraham Lincoln said, "Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it nothing can succeed." I am choosing to share these women's stories in the hope of saving others.

What can you do right now? Share the information about Nefarious: Merchant of Souls and human trafficking with your friends and family. Post the documentaries trailer on you Facebook profile. Make others aware that 27 million people are enslaved around the world.
PRAY - Every time you are at a red light pray for the end of red light districts. Prayer is how we are going to end human trafficking.

I plan on buying the DVD when it comes out in a few months and hosting a screening that you are all invited to. Stay tuned for more details.

If you have any questions or would like more information on how to get involved, send me an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. I look forward to fighting for justice with you!

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