Family Radio CHRI


L'Amour or Just Cheesy?

V-dayDo you feel like people have a love/hate relationship with Valentine's Day? We recently were discussing the upcoming day in the office & there was a very clear divide

between people who thought it was a great excuse to go out for a nice dinner or buy flowers and others who thought it was a made up day for something you should be doing all the time with the one you love. I admit I'm in the camp of liking the day. I feel with life being so hectic it's nice to have a day to just stop and have a nice date.

I'm not disagreeing with the idea that like most other holidays, Valentine's Day has become overly commercialized. There is definitely a looming pressure to purchase cards, chocolates and roses. I can remember Valentine's Days where I wasn't in a relationship and there was also a looming pressure that I should be in a relationship.

At the risk of drawing to much out of the cheesy holiday, I think whether single or in a relationship, swoon over the day or feel nauseas at the thought of a big red heart, we can look for an opportunity to share the love of God. In a world where so many people are hurting, this holiday could be a great opportunity to minister to someone who God puts on your heart or mind.

Here's an awesome story I heard:

"A couple of years ago, we had a close friend in our couples Sunday School class who would be spending Valentine's Day without her husband. He had recently left her alone with two young kids. I couldn't help think about how much more personal pain must hurt when it seems the world is celebrating romantic love. My wife and I decided to send her flowers at work that day. We included a simple note saying that she was in our thoughts and prayers and that we loved her and so did God. She was delighted to have been ministered to in such a way by the Body of Christ."

On a day when people are often focused on their own relationship or hiding out from all the gushiness of other people's relationships why not turn it outwards and show the love of living in community.

Who do you know that needs to be reminder that they are thought of this Valentine's Day? A single friend who is having trouble believing God will send someone their way? Do you know a man or woman who has lost a spouse during the past year either through death or a painful divorce? Perhaps you know a lady who has been a widow for years, and has no one to treasure her. Or, you may know a parent who has lost a child and they are only left with memories. Why not send flowers, a card, or chocolates? Keep it simple – "Thinking of you today" or include an encouraging verse.

Remember to pray the day you send the gift (on Valentine's day or any other day). Pray that what you send will remind this individual of the love and purpose God has from them. You may never know what a difference your thoughtfulness will make. I pray for each of you out there that no matter how you chose to celebrate February 14th that you remember that there is no fear in love because perfect love drives out fear. Enjoy the love/nauseating/happy/commercial/heart day!

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