Family Radio CHRI

These Are the Days of Summer

Master Simple First-Aid & Keep Your Family Safe!

Day39 FirstAidTips 330

This article was written by our Producer, Will, who is also a scout leader in Ottawa and well educated on all things first-aid!

Before we get started, I want to preface this that these recommendations are by no means professional medical advice, and mostly cover day-to-day surface injuries. If you have any questions you should consult your doctor. Also, we recommend that everyone take a Standard First Aid and CPR course at least once in their lives. A Red Cross survey showed that 59% of deaths from injuries would have been preventable if first aid had been given before emergency services arrived.

Simple Concepts

Don’t Panic! - If you are calm and collected, the injured will be more likely to stay calm too.

Clean - Before treating, remove any dirt or sand from within the wound. This will help the wound to heal faster and prevent infection. Make sure dressing will prevent the wound from getting dirty. A clean bottle of water can help clean an area, flush sand from eyes, etc.

Pressure - Applying mild pressure to the wound will slow or stop blood flow, allowing it to coagulate.

Stitches? - If the sound is more than ¼” deep, or ½” long, or won’t close because it’s on a joint, then stitches may be required.

Practice - Take turns applying bandages to each other, so your child is comfortable and knows what to expect.

Carry a First Aid Kit

You can pick up inexpensive and portable kits at most local drug stores. Keep it stocked with:

  • Alcohol wipes or other antiseptic for cleaning
  • Adhesive bandages of varying sizes
  • Disposable vinyl gloves
  • Sterile Pads + Gauze + Medical Tape = Custom bandage

Things most kits don’t have but should:

  • Tick-Key for removing ticks. Catching them early is key to reducing chance of lyme disease
  • Steri-strips for closing bigger wounds

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City of Ottawa:

Red Cross:


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